Sunday, September 30, 2012

Letter to "N"

When I write this letter, I know for sure that you're already in UK. This was meant to be one of those handwritten letters that said "Don't read me until you already in the plane". Since I didn't see you at the airport, here I am typing the letter instead. We are in different continent now, different timezone, and that's making me sad. I'm not good at goodbyes, cause it always suck when you have to be apart from those you love, no matter what the reason is. When my friends leave, it almost feel like someone just broke up with me -and working at the firm with a high employee turn-over, believe me, I've been experiencing it a lot recently-. But loving someone also means that you want them to be happy and to live the best life, for these reasons, I wanna say that I'm happy for you. You so much deserve this.

I don't know if you already knew this, but I don't say something unless I mean it. When one of my classmate gets married, people wrote on her FB page, "Happy Wedding, I'm so happy for you etc atc". Being me, I wrote, "Happy Wedding, have a long-lasting marriage". It's actually just a simple matter, but if I'm not happy for that girl -neither do I feel sad, of course-, so why do I have to write so? If her wedding got nothing to do with my happiness, why should I say so? You know I'm strange. I never hate people, I either love them or simply don't care. I like my cat more than I like most people. But you are not one of the "most people".

It's silly how I always think of Isya as the pretty one, Immy as the smart one and you as the kind one. You are so sincere, generous and pure that being around you make me innocent. You are so much more than you give yourself credit for, you are funny, smart, and talented. You have no idea how your present is literally a present to me. The way it's making me calm just after sharing my anxiety to you, even before you say those magic words, "Don't worry Kak, it's gonna be ok". When I choose a friend -well, when my heart does-, I prefer the one that can make me happy. I mean, what's the point of being friends when whatever happens to them doesn't concern you or that you don't give a damn if they are happy or sad. The fact that you are there now, experiencing great stuff, discovering the world, exploring new things, and most important, -being happy- is adding some sugar to my happiness bucket. Even though if you were a drop out, homeless (let's hope not), or a garbage woman, as long as you are happy, then I'll be happy too because spending time with you (watching movies, talking, shopping, eating out, even studying) and having you in my life already meant so much to me. Though I might not text you often enough or call you properly, do know that you always be in my prayer.

So when I'm asking you how's it like up there, how's your day, how's your new friends,that means I really wanna know how's your life there so that I can picture it, and somehow that makes me feel close to you. I will never ask those questions just to be polite or anything. You know the other thing that I like about you is how you seem to know me more than I know my self. Remember when you made me walk pass the sacred trees in Jogja main square? At first, I was hating it, but after I did it, I was so glad that you made me so. Or another time when we were chatting, you just said something I wanted to hear and sometimes things that struck me and made me think about it all night. I remember the earliest time in our college, you'll text me while you're waiting for public transportation or when you're sick about something, just out of the blue. Those random-sometimes-unimportant things totally made my day. I know you said, "It's the little and simplest things that we'll miss the most". And I also love it when we get the jokes from "A Walk to Remember" and laugh at the same time. Your Korean movies aren't that bad either, though. I love you for that. You are one of the few people that I'm lucky enough to met.

Well, I hope that you'll have a remarkable year and who knows maybe you can continue your doctorate there while I'm saving some money here. The two of us together in Jogja is one thing, but the two of us together in England is completely another. Enjoy your time there, you earned this and you worked hard for this. Be well, be happy, I always wish that Allah grants what's best for you whatever you do, wherever you are, in every circumstances.

I love you and I'll be missing you,

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